Co-operative is open to all landowners at North Arm Cove historic subdivision.
Purpose of the Co-operative
From our Constitution:
Purpose of the co-operative is facilitating collaborative activities of landowners in enabling and directing planning, development, and governance of the historic subdivision of North Arm Cove (NAC) based on:
Circular Economy principles
Collaboration between community, industry and research
Community participation through the "citizens jury/assembly” process.
The co-operative will operate in accordance with approved Rules.
Main Tasks
The main tasks are:
Enabling and directing the creation of a Development Plan (Master Plan) for a sustainable community at NAC
Enabling and directing the development of infrastructure and communal assets under control by the co-operative
Ensuring effective governance of the historic subdivision of North Arm Cove in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Non-Profit Status and Funding
The co-operative is a non-profit organisation that will seek funding for its activities through government and other grants, loans, and sponsorships.
Membership Fee
$260/year/lot ($5/week)
Membership Enquiry
If you are a landowner in NAC, contact us to obtain the membership application form.